Getting the balance right

Many of us are pulled in so many directions with competing priorities, so the question is, 'How in the world can we find balance?'

What do I mean when I say balance?

I'm talking about getting our time right.  I hear people saying all the time, 'I'm so busy that I don't know which way to turn.'  Then there are those who jokingly put the hand up and say, 'I need help with this.'  Sometimes, what they really mean is that they want some kind of magical 'To do' list that enables them to achieve more in less time and with less stress.

In order to get balance right we have to look inward.  It starts with us.  If we genuinely want more balance in our lives we need to know ourselves well.

We need to manage our commitments well, and the areas we're gifted in, well.  We need to handle our health and our families well.  (We can so easily be present with our families, but the reality is we're just there in body at times).

Burnout is a real thing and it can ambush the best of us.

There are a few signs worth looking out for though:

Finally, be thankful for the small things and don't take them for granted.  Remember the old saying, 'Life is not a rehearsal, it's the real thing.'